016 | Meet son #1 who explains fair auctions to #OntarioAgCast

Keeping Ag Real goes mobile with a mother & son conversation about #OntarioAgCast's Wendell & Jullia Schumm


The first Keeping Ag Real podcast recorded from my truck - because it's all about Keeping It Real. Excuse any sound distortions.

They pulled up in Wilson, the '66 Ford Mustang and dove right into the Tazewell County 4H & Jr. Fair festivities. Wendell Schumm of the #OntarioAgCast and daughter Jullia took on a 3500 mile road trip to visit U.S. friends, connected by #AgTwitter (agriculture folks on Twitter).

During their visit they met our Jersey dairy heifers, sheep and the rooster, Mr. Fred. Mr. Fred was due to be auctioned the next day. In Wendell and Jullia's road trip podcast, they ask about the fate of said rooster.

Join my son and I as we answer their question plus waiting for a driver's permit, hunting in Kentucky and the Illinois State Fair.